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Nobody Knows Anything

All beliefs and methods are equal.

Take any method for anything. Take any piece of advice. It’ll appear true if the person saying it is convincing enough. But there are infinite methods, infinite pieces of advice, all equally “true.” There’s nothing special about that one YouTube video you watched. Nothing magical about that guru’s speech.

It’s all about what you choose—what method you decide to crown as the truth.

Because no one is right. And everyone thinks they are. They’re all full of shit. Including me.

Something happened in their life. Some moment made them put one and one together, and suddenly It clicked. Their brain identified a pattern, made an association, and bam—they were hooked. Worshippers of an idea. Worshippers of something that isn’t true—at least no more true than any other idea out there.

But they think it’s special. They think it’s the truth. They’ll cling to it, defend it, maybe even kill for it.

This diet, that diet. Eggs are good for you, eggs are bad for you. Let’s raise taxes, let’s lower them. Every argument feels logical when it’s presented the right way. Every belief feels like a revelation when it hits you at the right time.

But in the end, they’re all just ideas. Patterns someone’s brain decided to follow. Including this.


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